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Kulturløypa startar her!


the FEDJE CULTURE trail starts here! scroll down for english


«Fiskarkona» vart avduka 16. august 2014. Initiativet vart teke av Feie Fiskelag, og seinare Fedje Historielag, med god støtte frå mange, mellom anna Fedje kommune. Skulpturen er laga av den ungarsk-norske bilethoggaren Istvan Lisztes. Du kan lese om han her:

Til venstre kan du sjå "Velkomen heim-skiltet" som er laga av Fedje skule. Du kan finne fleire treskilt på øya laga av skuleungdommane og skulebarna.

Snur du deg frå fiskarkona kan du sjå Ferjekaibiblioteket. 

Bak ferjekaibiblioteket står containerane som er måla av Bergenskunstnar Kaspar Vigestad i 2018. Han fekk god hjelp av kulturskulen på Fedje. 

1.THE FISherman´s wife 

«The Fisherman´s Wife» was unveiled on the 16th. of August, 2014. The initiative for the statue was started by the Feie Fishing Society, and continued by the Fedje Historical Society, with help from among others, the municipality. The sculpture was made by the Hungarian-Norwegian artist Istvan Lisztes.

To your left when facing the sculpture, you can se a wooden sign that says "Welcome home" in Norwegian. This sign, and many other wooden signs on the island, was made by the schoolchildren of Fedje.

If you turn around from the Fisherman´s Wife you can see the Ferry Quay Library.

Behind the library you can see the containers that were decorated in 2018 by Kaspar Vigestad, a Bergen-based artist. He was helped by the schoolchildren at the Fedje Culture School.

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